
Locket being Eight-A: Emilia

Locket Being 8A: Emilia. Emilia is a 5 feet tall, 10 year old girl. Her hair is Purple, and Flows down to her hips. She has purple furred cat ears. Her skin is light brown. Her eyes are bright blue. She wears a brown shirt, with a purple Button up shirt over it, constantly unbuttoned. She wears a purple skirt that flows down to the bottom of her calves. And purple socks that go to the bottom of her calves, and brown shoes. She is Rather Friendly, but brings problems. If it is night, and She asks to tell a joke, listen to her, and follow along. But if She says Orange, DO NOT respond with Orange Who. She will occasionally say weird things like: “Me Emilia! Me Looove You!” Or “Give Me a treat!” She will also occasionally reference MAMA. She also always has SOMEONE with her at all times. That Someone can be helpful, but also dangerous.

Locket being Eight-B: MAMA:

MAMA stands at 8 feet tall, and is Emilia’s Mama. MAMA is a bit weird, as she only responds to the name: MAMA. MAMA’s eyes are dark brown. Her hair is brown, and closes down to her hips. She also has brown fur. Her skin is light brown. She wears a blue shirt, with a brown, button up jacket over it. She wears brown sweat pants. She’s a great Mama, and a good cook. She also likes to keep everything clean. She has incredible hearing, Being able to tell the Pitter Patter of Emilia, or her victim’s feet apart from Everyone else’s, with absolute ease. However, once night falls, she enters a different mode. Her eyes glow bright red, her teeth become sharp, her clothes torn, and her hands become claws. She makes Sure Emilia is in bed on time. If you respond with Orange Who, And it’s night, The Lights will immediately go out, then MAMA will appear, in night mode, and Say: “Orange you forgetting Someone?!” Before striking. Mama likes to vanish when her prey looks away, but can be forced to vanish if you point your light at her for too long. Her prey are those who bully or hurt Emilia. And will often find themselves wounded, if they don’t escape her. Mama can be stopped while in night mode with a gift, like a carrot, an Easter egg, or a new brush. MAMA is always with Emilia. She also doesn’t trust anyone with Cleaning Emilia. MAMA bathes once a week, but does a great job keeping herself clean and smelling nice. Mama can be angered. If she is, her eyes start to glow. If she’s angered enough, the lights will cut out, and she’ll go into night mode. If someone is about to curse in front of Emilia, MAMA will cover their mouth. MAMA likes to wear perfume, specifically rose perfume. When Emilia is talking through the locket, The eye glows Purple, With Brown as a rim. Mama’s head can rotate 360 degrees. If Mama is invisible, but gets angrier, Her perfume will get stronger. Emilia-Fatalities: 1. Method-Unknown. Mama can be Wounded. But if it’s during the Night, she won’t care.

Emilia Also has a Night mode, Though she needs to be angered to trigger it. Also, Emilia will occasionally wear Vanilla smelling perfume, and that follows the same Stuff As Mama’s Does.

If And When Emilia Is angered enough, The Lights will cut out, and there will be sounds of movement. Then, Out of the Corner of Your eyes, Emilia’s Glowing Blue eyes will flicker to life, and the Chase will begin.

Night Mode

Night mode Emilia Stands at 5 feet tall as Usual. However, This time, Her Vanilla Perfume is super strong, Her teeth are razor sharp, Her eyes are Bright glowing blue, Her clothes now darker colors, her ears are now sharper, her hearing is Much better, and She now has some new abilities. Such as Teleportation when you look away, Being forced to teleport when a light is flashed on her for too long, And Being able to kill, But now she can also call Mama to help her, She can produce loud noises to lead Mama right to you, AND she can disable your flashlight for short periods of time, Leaving Running away as the only option.

Occasionally, Mama will just step back, and Let Emilia do the Hunting. When this happens, Mama can be found somewhere in the Building, Sitting down, and reading a book. She’s still in Night mode, and her eyes are still glowing, But she won’t attack, And You can even talk to her, Though doing so allows Emilia to sneak Closer.

Both Mama and Emilia have the ability to Make their Perfume smell like it’s coming from everywhere at once, though with Emilia, She can make it fade away at Will. The Downfall of this is that when she makes her perfume go everywhere, There is a faint, But different smelling Vanilla and Rose combination, which can be followed to lead you right to her.

These Changes are all because Emilia is going Through a puberty Like thing, Though she likely won’t go through actual puberty.